This question seems to be asked a lot. I tried some different solutions and any of them did not work.
My figure caption is displayed as
Figure 1: Caption Here
But I want to display:
Fig. 1: Caption Here
I tried the instructions from several questions in the stackExchange website.
Currently my code looks like
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[font=small,labelfont=bf, figurename=Fig.]{caption}
Drawing here
\caption{Caption here} \label{fig:label}
If I uncomment the line \addto... the code does not compile.
I found these references in the following questions:
Change caption name of figures
Figure to Fig in both Caption and Autoref
How to change figure caption to Fig. 1. in stead of Fig. 1:
none of them worked.
I also tried the solution the solution in this other link: but no success.
I imagine that some of my packages might be in conflict with the caption one. But which one?
Any advice?