This is one way of doing it via circuitiz
package. Two customized circuit elements are designed via macros called mycurrent
and myswitch
, hoping this will serve as a starting point.
\newcommand{\mycurrent}[2] % #1 = name , #2 = rotation angle
{\draw[thick] (#1) circle (12pt);
\draw[rotate=#2,line width=1pt] (#1) +(0,-6pt) -- +(0,6pt) coordinate(a1);
\draw[rotate=#2,thin] ($(a1)+(0,1pt)$) to [bend right=12] ++(2pt,-5pt);
\draw[rotate=#2,thin] ($(a1)+(0,1pt)$) to [bend left=12] ++(-2pt,-5pt);
\draw[rotate=#2] (#1) +(-0.58,0) coordinate(c) +(0.57,0) coordinate (a)
+(0,-0.5 )coordinate(b)
(a)node[above](a1){a} arc (0:-50:0.6)
(b)node[left] (b1){b} arc (-90:-0:0.4);
\draw [shorten >=-10pt] (c)node[below](c1){c}-- ($(a)!0.5!(b)$);
\draw[thick,red,->] (c) ++ (0.5,0.3) to[bend left] ++(-0.5,-0.8)node[above=0.5cm]{\scriptsize$t=0$};
\draw (-1,0)node(o){} to[I=$6A$] (-1,2); % default current
\draw (0,2) to[I,color=white,name=C1] (0,0); % customized curent
\draw (-1,2) to[generic,color=white,name=S1] (3.5,2) to[I,color=white,name=C2] (5,2); %customized element
\draw (b) to[short,o-*] (b|-o);
\draw (-1,2) to[short,-o](c);
\draw (a) to[short,o-](3.5,2);
\draw (-1,0) to[short](5,0);
\draw (3.5,2) to[R=$4$,*-*] (3.5,0);
\draw (5,2) to[L, l=$\frac{1}{5}F$] (5,0);