Is there a package like polynom for typesetting polynomial long division but over a finite field such as GF(2). If not, how to manually typeset long division in general?
I attempted the following solution! However, the vertical spacing between each line and exponents of the equation below it is quite small, how to increase it? I tried \vspace but received errors. Thanks.
& & & & &+x^4&+x^3& & &+1\\
&+x^7&+x^6&+x^5& & &+x^2&+x& \\
& &+x^7& &+x^5&+x^4& & & & \\
& & &+x^6& &+x^4& & & & \\
& & &+x^6& &+x^4&+x^3& & & \\
& & & & & &+x^3&+x^2&+x& \\
& & & & & &+x^3& &+x&+1\\
& & & & & & &+x^2& &+1\\