After struggling with this problem for years, I've decided to draw the glyphs using tikz
so they could be manipulated as I'd like (boldface, etc). Here is an example of the code:
\documentclass[extrafontsizes, 60pt]{memoir} %makes fonts larger, so it is easier to see the glyphs
\usepackage{tikz} %tikz is used to draw the glyphs
\usetikzlibrary{arrows,scopes} %tikz libraries used to draw the glyphs
\usepackage[papersize={145mm,45mm},left=0.1ex, right=0.1ex]{geometry} %change paper size, so it is easier to see the glyphs
%defining script r (scalar)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=round cap]
\clip (0.09em,-0.05ex) rectangle (0.61em,0.81ex);
\draw [line width=.11ex, <->, rounded corners=0.13ex] (0.1em,0.1ex) .. controls (0.24em,0.4ex) .. (0.35em,0.8ex) .. controls (0.29em,0.725ex) .. (0.25em,0.6ex) .. controls (0.7em,0.8ex) and (0.08em,-0.4ex) .. (0.55em,0.25ex);
%defining bold script r (vector)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=round cap]
\clip (0.085em,-0.1ex) rectangle (0.61em,0.875ex);
\draw [line width=.2ex, <->, rounded corners=0.13ex] (0.1em,0.1ex) .. controls (0.24em,0.4ex) .. (0.35em,0.8ex) .. controls (0.29em,0.725ex) .. (0.25em,0.6ex) .. controls (0.7em,0.8ex) and (0.08em,-0.4ex) .. (0.55em,0.25ex);
%defining bold script r with a hat (unit vector)
$\Huge\noindent \rc \brc \hrc$ %huge font size, so it is easier to see the glyphs
Compiling it will yield the following document:
Of course, part of the previous code is dedicated simply to make the fonts larger (by the way, notice the drawings scale with ex
, so they should scale with font size). A MWE would be
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=round cap]
\clip (0.09em,-0.05ex) rectangle (0.61em,0.81ex);
\draw [line width=.11ex, <->, rounded corners=0.13ex] (0.1em,0.1ex) .. controls (0.24em,0.4ex) .. (0.35em,0.8ex) .. controls (0.29em,0.725ex) .. (0.25em,0.6ex) .. controls (0.7em,0.8ex) and (0.08em,-0.4ex) .. (0.55em,0.25ex);
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=round cap]
\clip (0.085em,-0.1ex) rectangle (0.61em,0.875ex);
\draw [line width=.2ex, <->, rounded corners=0.13ex] (0.1em,0.1ex) .. controls (0.24em,0.4ex) .. (0.35em,0.8ex) .. controls (0.29em,0.725ex) .. (0.25em,0.6ex) .. controls (0.7em,0.8ex) and (0.08em,-0.4ex) .. (0.55em,0.25ex);
$\rc \brc \hrc$
I'm still not quite happy with the hat version, so I might update it later. I'd be happy to hear any suggestions or improvements on this code.