command is available in directory but it has fixed length. How can I elongate its length?
4 Answers
The \downarrow
symbol is an extensible delimiter:
{\left\downarrow\vbox to #1{}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
You can use the same method also for \uparrow
, \updownarrow
, \Downarrow
, \Uparrow
and \Updownarrow
Your arrow isn't 2cm height. Its total height is approximately 2*(2cm-A), where A is math axis height.– wipetCommented Apr 13, 2015 at 10:23
@wipet Did I say it is? But thanks for noting, it can help readers.– egregCommented Apr 13, 2015 at 16:10
Looking at the tip it seems as if the unscaled and scaled arrows are different glyphs. Commented May 29, 2016 at 16:25
You can define your own command, for example:
The code:
The default length is 2ex
and you can control it using the optional argument for \xdownarrow
With the above definition, the arrow tip will sit on the baseline, you can change the definition to
for a vertically centered symbol.
You can also draw it with tikz
which gives you a lot of flexibility should you desire any customization such as arrow styles, colors, and line styles:
\usepackage{xparse}% So that we can have two optional parameters
\NewDocumentCommand\DownArrow{O{2.0ex} O{black}}{%
\mathrel{\tikz[baseline] \draw [<-, line width=0.5pt, #2] (0,0) -- ++(0,#1);}
\[ a
\DownArrow b
\DownArrow[30pt][>=latex,red, ultra thick] c
\DownArrow[2.5cm][>=stealth,blue, thick, dashed] b
A (similar) alternative, using gathered environment:
If you want, it can be used with linebreaks inside:
Usually I use this scheme to place a specific down-arrow across multirows in a table:
{Lower} & Text 1\\
\hfill \\
\hfill \\
\hfill \\
\end{gathered}]{}$ }
& Text 2\\
& Text 3\\
& Text 4\\
& Text 5\\
{Higher} & Text 6\\