I am having a bit of a trouble with a table. The code for the table looks like this:


\textbf{Parameter} & \specialcell{Exhaust\\air} & \specialcell{Exhaust and \\ outdoor air} & \specialcell{Heat wheel\\(80~\%)} \\
Heat recovery [\%] & 89,6 \% & 89,6 \% & 77,4 \% \\
Real heat recovery [\%] & 50,5 \% & 52,1 \% & - \\
Net energy need for VH and SH & 27,7 & 27,0 & 15,8 \\
\specialcell{Delivered energy for\\DHW, VH and SH} & 31,1 & 27,6 & 45,6 \\

I'm using \specialcell in order to break the line of elements that are too long. However, I want the text in the first row to be bold. When I add \textbf{} inside \specialcell, the document will not compile. Error message is: "Missing } inserted".

Do you have any suggestions? Can I make a new specialcell (\specialcell2) that is automatically bold?

Another question: How can I force the table to be a bit wider, in order to increase the space between the first column and the second column? I think column 1 and 2 are a bit too close at row 4.

3 Answers 3


Since the whole outer cell, which contains \specialcell should be bold, \bfseries can be specified in the outer cell, right before \specialcell:

... & \bfseries\specialcell{...} & ...

This can also be put into a macro \specialcellbold, see the following example:


\textbf{Parameter} &
\specialcellbold{Exhaust\\air} &
\specialcellbold{Exhaust and\\ outdoor air} &
\specialcellbold{Heat wheel\\(80~\%)} \\
Heat recovery [\%] & 89,6 \% & 89,6 \% & 77,4 \% \\
Real heat recovery [\%] & 50,5 \% & 52,1 \% & - \\
Net energy need for VH and SH & 27,7 & 27,0 & 15,8 \\
\specialcell{Delivered energy for\\DHW, VH and SH} & 31,1 & 27,6 & 45,6 \\


The table formatted a little different:

% \usepackage{array}% It can also be loaded explicitly, implicitly it is
%                     loaded by siunitx
% \sisetup{output-decimal-marker={,}}% OP now wants to have the default dot
\sisetup{detect-weight, mode=text}

\textbf{Parameter} &
{\specialcellbold{Exhaust\\air}} &
{\specialcellbold{Exhaust and\\ outdoor air}} &
{\specialcellbold{Heat wheel\\(\SI{80}{\percent})}} \\
Heat recovery [\si{\percent}] & 89,6 & 89,6 & 77,4 \\
Real heat recovery [\si{\percent}] & 50,5 & 52,1 & {---} \\
Net energy need for VH and SH & 27,7 & 27,0 & 15,8 \\
\leftspecialcell{Delivered energy for\\
  \quad DHW, VH and SH} & 31,1 & 27,6 & 45,6 \\

Alternative result


  • Bottom aligned header row.
  • Columns 2 to 4 are centered.
  • Use of package siunitx for aligning at the decimal marker and for setting the percent signs.
  • The lines after the first line in a left cell is indented. and the alignment follows the bottom line instead of vertical centering.
  • Use of em dash instead of the hyphen for the missing entry.
  • Redundant percent signs removed.
  • Changed the output decimal marker to the default dot (see comment of ROLF).
  • A little crude is \siunit{text-rm=\bfseries}. Option detect-weight did not work inside an S-column.


I, Svend Tveskæg, found the code not very easy to read to I cleaned it up a bit (I hope it's okay):



%  output-decimal-marker = {,},
  mode = text
  \sisetup{text-rm = \bfseries}%


  \begin{tabular}{l *{3}{S[table-format = 2.1]}}
    \textbf{Parameter}                                    &
    {\specialcellbold{Exhaust    \\ air}}                 &
    {\specialcellbold{Exhaust and\\ outdoor air}}         &
    {\specialcellbold{Heat wheel \\ (\SI{80}{\percent})}}       \\
    Heat recovery [\si{\percent}]         & 89,6 & 89,6 & 77,4  \\
    Real heat recovery [\si{\percent}]    & 50,5 & 52,1 & {---} \\
    Net energy need for VH and SH         & 27,7 & 27,0 & 15,8  \\
    \leftspecialcell{Delivered energy for                       \\
    \quad DHW, VH and SH}                 & 31,1 & 27,6 & 45,6  \\

  • @barbarabeeton The example has three lines, which start with \bfseries\specialcell. Commented Dec 13, 2014 at 21:23
  • 1
    Now that you have loaded the siunitx package, you should use \si{\percent} instead of \% (in three places). Also, maybe use an em dash instead of an en dash for the empty entry. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 15:10
  • 2
    @HeikoOberdiek Instead of \mbox{--} you can just use {--}, because siunitx will understand from the brace that a non numeric entry has been given and will center the item. Similarly for \mbox{\specialcell{...} that can just be {\specialcell{...}}. It's faster, because no expansion to find an unexpandable token is required.
    – egreg
    Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 15:15
  • 1
    @SvendTveskæg Using \SI{80}{\percent} was tricky, because option detect-weight did not work inside an S-column. Also en dash fixed to em dash. *{<n>}{...} is practical here, but it has the disadvantage, that the format of a single column cannot be easily changed. Package array is loaded by siunitx, thus it does not matter much, if is is loaded explicitly. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 16:30
  • 1
    @thymaro [b] and [c] are the default values for the first parameter of \specialcell that is then passed as first optional argument for \begin{tabular} with meaning vertical alignment (b = bottom, c = centered). Commented Sep 28, 2017 at 17:23

Just for comparison. How to do this table in plain TeX. But it works in LaTeX (without any loaded package) too.

\def\toprule{\noalign{\medskip\hrule height .8pt\medskip}}

\halign{&\ \hfil#\unskip\ \hfil\cr
\bf Parameter\h & \bf\specialcell{Exhaust\cr air} &
                  \bf\specialcell{Exhaust and\cr outdoor air} &
                  \bf\specialcell{Heat wheel\cr(80~\%)} \cr
Heat recovery [\%]\h &89,6 \% & 89,6 \% & 77,4 \% \cr
Real heat recovery [\%]\h & 50,5 \% & 52,1 \% & --- \cr
Net energy need for VH and SH & 27,7 \x & 27,0 \x & 15,8 \x \cr
\specialcell{Delivered energy for\cr DHW, VH and SH\hfill}\h& 31,1 \x & 27,6 \x & 45,6 \x\cr



  • Amazing how compact the code is. I would suggest to left-align header of the first column, though. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 19:26
  • I used this code to test if can be typeseted a table that runs across columns and pages in a memoir's two column document and found that works. Naturally, does not have continuation headers.
    – djnavas
    Commented Oct 13, 2016 at 7:47

Don't reinvent the wheel: the makecell package: its \thead and \makecell commands allows for linebreaks in cells and a common formatting. It also defines \rothead and \rotcell commands if you load the rotating package. Demo:



\makecell{\bfseries Parameter} & \thead{Exhaust\\air} & \thead{Exhaust and \\ outdoor air} & \thead{Heat wheel\\(80~\%)} \\
\makecell{Heat recovery\\{}[\%]} & 89,6 & 89,6 & 77,4 \\
\makecell{Real heat recovery\\{}[\%]} & 50,5 & 52,1 & -- \\
\makecell{Net energy need for\\VH and SH} & 27,7 & 27,0 & 15,8 \\
\makecell{Delivered energy for\\DHW, VH and SH} & \rotcell{31,1 }& 27,6 & 45,6 \\


enter image description here

  • Where is \thead defined? I solves a problem that I commonly have with table headers. BTW: code and image don't seem to fit together for the last column. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 19:25
  • @Christian Lindig: there was a typo in my answer: I wrote \head instead of \thead. It's defined in the makedell package. But I don't see what doesn't correspond to my code in the image?
    – Bernard
    Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 19:43
  • Sorry, Safari hadn't shown me the horizontal scroll bar and I had missed the header for the last column in the code. Commented Dec 14, 2014 at 20:06

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