I would like my name to not be entirely in uppercase.
This is my .tex file.
\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{Aston Martin} % Your name
This is my .cls file.
\LoadClass[11pt,letterpaper]{article} % Font size and paper type
\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Remove paragraph indentation
\usepackage{array} % Required for boldface (\bf and \bfseries) tabular columns
\usepackage{ifthen} % Required for ifthenelse statements
\pagestyle{empty} % Suppress page numbers
% HEADINGS COMMANDS: Commands for printing name and address
\def \name#1{\def\@name{#1}} % Defines the \name command to set name
\def \@name {} % Sets \@name to empty by default
The name would currently come up as: "ASTON MARTIN".
However, I would like it to be formatted like this: "Aston Martin".
from? There isn't such a class on CTAN, and the one here doesn't seem to be the same one. So you need to do two things: turn your TeX file into a complete minimal document (just enough to show the problem, and nothing more) and post a link to the completeresume.cls
that you are using.\def \printname
in the resume.cls, there should be a\MakeUppercase
in that defination. Removing it should do the trick.