I had previous question how to write pseudocode in latex. I would like to use fractions in pseudocode, but rows with fractions are a little small. Anybody know how to make rows with fractions a little bigger?
\State \multilinestate{$\var{maxWeight} \assign{}$\var{e.weight} where~\var{e} has maximum weight of all elements}
\State \multilinestate{$\var{minWeight} \assign{}$\var{e.weight} where~\var{e} has minimum weight of all elements}
\State $\var{maxDraw} \assign{}$maximum size in visualization
\State $\var{minDraw} \assign{}$minimum size in visualization\\
\Function {CountDrawSize}{\var{elementWeight}}
\If{$\var{maxWeight} = \var{minWeight}$}
\State\Return $\dfrac{(\var{maxWeight} + \var{minWeight})}{2}$
\State\Return $\var{minDraw} + \dfrac{(\var{elementWeight} - \var{minWeight})(\var{maxDraw} - \var{minDraw})}{(\var{maxWeight} - \var{minWeight})}$