How can I change the kerning of specific small caps, specifically w and v in combination with dot and comma?

With XeTeX, I found out how to change upper and lowercases, but no luck with small caps unicode number, at least with Fanwood Text, Junicode or EB Garamond.

\XeTeXcharclass "56=\fooV % Capital V
\XeTeXcharclass "76=\foov % Lowercase V
\XeTeXcharclass "F776=\foov % Small Cap v in Junicode
\XeTeXcharclass "2C=\fooDot % Comma
\XeTeXcharclass "2E=\fooDot % Dot


enter image description here


1 Answer 1


You need to include the comma within the scope of the command which switches the font. Kerning has no meaning between fonts and small-caps is essentially a different font as far as TeX is concerned. (I'm not sure quite how this goes for the newer engines, though.)

adjusted kerning

\XeTeXcharclass "56=\fooV % Capital V
\XeTeXcharclass "76=\foov % Lowercase V
\XeTeXcharclass "F776=\foov % Small Cap v in Junicode
\XeTeXcharclass "2C=\fooDot % Comma
\XeTeXcharclass "2E=\fooDot % Dot

  • It makes sense... but now I realize that it's going to be a huge problem, because I wanted to modify this kerning pair for a biblatex shorthand I'm using a lot on a document. The output is something like MEW, 8, p. 107. MEW stands for Marx-Engels Werke.
    – Ludenticus
    Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 5:36
  • @Ludenticus I think you should post a new question in that case as it is going to raise different issues. You can link to this one as part of that question.
    – cfr
    Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 13:47

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