Update: Add a style file for my rect
that can change the size of the rectangle. Also, it seems that node (7) is not needed and marked out in this new update.
\tikzset{my rect/.style={draw,shape=rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm}}
\tikzset{my rect/.style={draw,shape=rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm}}
\tikzset{node distance=2.3cm, auto}
\node (0) {\footnotesize$\pi (S+V)$};
\node (1) [right of=0, xshift = -0.5cm, my rect,draw=black, fill=cyan!30!white] {$S$};
\node (2) [right of=1, my rect, draw=gray, fill=white] {$E$};
\node (3) [right of=2, my rect, draw=red, fill = red!30!white] {$Z$};
\node (4) [below of=2, yshift=1cm] {\footnotesize$(1-\alpha)\chi E$};
\node (5) [below of=3, yshift=1cm] {\footnotesize$\gamma (S+ V)Z$};
\node (6) [right of = 3, draw=green, my rect, fill = green!30!white] {$V$};
%\node (7) [below of=6, yshift=1cm, text = white] {$V$};
\path (1.east) -- (1.north east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a1);
\path (2.west) -- (2.north west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b1);
%\path (6.south) -- (6.south east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a6);
%\path (6.south) -- (6.south west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b6);
%\path (7.north) -- (7.south east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a7);
%\path (7.south) -- (7.south west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b7);
\draw[->] (0) to node {} (1);
\draw[->] (a1) to node {\footnotesize$\beta SZ$} (b1);
\path (1.east) -- (1.south east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a2);
\path (2.west) -- (2.south west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b2);
\draw[->] (a2) to[swap] node {\footnotesize$\delta S$} (b2);
\draw[->] (3) to node{} (5);
\draw[->] (2) to node{} (4);
\draw[->] (2) to node{\footnotesize $\alpha\lambda E$} (3);
%\draw[->] (1) to[in=135,out=45] node{\footnotesize$\zeta S$} (6);
\draw[->] (1) -- +(0,1cm) -| (6);
\node[above=1cm] at ($(1)!0.5!(6)$){\footnotesize$\zeta S$};
\draw[->] ([xshift=-0.3cm]6.south) -- +(0,-1cm) node[below]{\footnotesize$\delta V$};
\draw[->] ([xshift=0.3cm]6.south) -- +(0,-1cm) node[below]{\footnotesize$\beta VZ$};
Something likes this. The solution changes/modifies the last 3 lines. Also some labels are changes to meet the drawing on article. As to the coloring of each block, try the following
fill=cyan!30!white, fill=red!30!white, fill=green!30!white
\tikzset{node distance=2.3cm, auto}
\node (0) {\footnotesize$\pi (S+V)$};
\node (1) [right of=0, xshift = -0.5cm, shape=rectangle,draw=black, fill=cyan] {$S$};
\node (2) [right of=1, shape=rectangle,draw=black, fill=white] {$E$};
\node (3) [right of=2, shape = rectangle, draw = black, fill = red] {$Z$};
\node (4) [below of=2, yshift=1cm] {\footnotesize$(1-\alpha)\chi E$};
\node (5) [below of=3, yshift=1cm] {\footnotesize$\gamma (S+ V)Z$};
\node (6) [right of = 3, draw = black, fill = green] {$V$};
\node (7) [below of=6, shape = rectangle, yshift=1cm, text = white] {$V$};
\path (1.east) -- (1.north east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a1);
\path (2.west) -- (2.north west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b1);
\path (6.south) -- (6.south east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a6);
\path (6.south) -- (6.south west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b6);
\path (7.north) -- (7.south east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a7);
\path (7.south) -- (7.south west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b7);
\draw[->] (0) to node {} (1);
\draw[->] (a1) to node {\footnotesize$\beta SZ$} (b1);
\path (1.east) -- (1.south east) coordinate[pos=0.5] (a2);
\path (2.west) -- (2.south west) coordinate[pos=0.5] (b2);
\draw[->] (a2) to[swap] node {\footnotesize$\delta S$} (b2);
\draw[->] (3) to node{} (5);
\draw[->] (2) to node{} (4);
\draw[->] (2) to node{\footnotesize $\alpha\lambda E$} (3);
%\draw[->] (1) to[in=135,out=45] node{\footnotesize$\zeta S$} (6);
\draw[->] (1) -- +(0,1cm) -| (6);
\node[above=1cm] at ($(1)!0.5!(6)$){\footnotesize$\zeta S$};
\draw[->] (a6) -- (a7) node[below]{\footnotesize$\delta V$};
\draw[->] (b6) -- (b7)node[below]{\footnotesize$\beta VZ$};
, the required\usepackage
, and\end{document}
. That may seem tedious to you, but think of the extra work it represents for TeX.SX users willing to give you a hand. Help them help you: remove that one hurdle between you and a solution to your problem.