If I Google for "latex textcomp documentation", the most relevant hit is the CTAN textcomp page, which says:

Note that the pack­age has been adopted as part of the LATEX dis­tri­bu­tion; the ref­er­ence here is to the orig­i­nal pack­age, which is now lit­tle used (if at all).

But I cannot seem to find where the official, current, documentation is for the textcomp package that comes with LaTeX. The same goes for a number of other packages, such as fontenc.

Does documentation exist for these packages? Or am I going about this wrong?

  • 2
    texdoc textcomp yields LaTeX font encodings as document, with some examples in it, but try mirrors.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf too
    – user31729
    Jan 9, 2015 at 22:55
  • If you want to know about the 'symbols' the package grants access to, Christian's link is the way to go.
    – jon
    Jan 10, 2015 at 0:35
  • In my case: Sorry, no documentation found for textcomp. If you are unsure about the name, try searching CTAN's TeX catalogue at http://ctan.org/search.html#byDescription.
    – qubodup
    Jan 14, 2016 at 20:31

1 Answer 1


The intended user documentation is encguide.pdf as returned by texdoc textcomp. If you want the actual documented source then the file is generated from ltoutenc.dtx in the base latex distribution (the same source as the fontenc package) If you run pdflatex on ltoutenc.dtx (in texmf-dist/doc/latex/base in texlive) then you will get ltoutenc.pdf, this file isn't normally made in the distribution.

Alternatively, as other parts of ltoutenc.dtx are included in the format, you can see the typeset form as chapter l of source2e.pdf so texdoc source2e page 69.

  • 1
    while this is all true, i feel that encguide leaves too many links un-tied, and i was loth to hand it over after i'd put the basic thing together. frank made a lot of changes afterwards, but it was not imo complete even then, and it hasn't changed since. (one of the problems is i'm so slow...) Jan 10, 2015 at 21:27
  • I am using miktex, and I can't find ltoutenc.dtx nor the documentation of textcomp. source2e doesn't have the commands of textcomp, so where can I search for its commands and options?
    – Diaa
    Dec 17, 2020 at 17:01

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