I am trying to produce a degree sign in tex4ht (ideally with the same code that produces the pdf)
The PDF works fine in all of the different ways of displaying the degree sign, but the html document only partly raises the circle to the middle of the line. From what I can tell mathjax doesn't fix this either.
\newcommand{\degC}{$\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ }
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep] % sets no itemsep for just this list
\item siunitx example that doesn't work: \SI{-80}{\degreeCelsius}
\item siunitx is hopefully not the problem because this doesn't work either when compiling with htlatex: -80\degC
\item $-80$\degC
Below is a copy of the html typeset result: (circles aren't superscripts.)
- siunitx example that doesn’t work: -80 ∘C
- siunitx is hopefully not the problem because this doesn’t work either when compiling with htlatex: -80∘C
- -80∘C
Is there a way for the \circ
command to work with tex4ht for html. I would be sure that if I can get the regular command to work, I would be able to get siunitx working.