I am trying to obtain nice Matlab figures in my LaTeX report and although there are many ways to achieve this, a lot of them don't work for my large data plots.
But using LaPrint gets me nice graphical results but I have a problem with my labels. They are all shown like:
I localized the problem in the fact that my TeXstudio invokes pdflatex
where it should invoke latex
-> dvips
-> ps2pdf
. How do I properly set that up? I did like this following latex-dvips-ps2pdf
I added a user command as follows:
user0: LaTex.DVIPS.PS2PDF
latex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %.tex | dvips -o %.ps %.dvi| ps2pdf %.ps
and set that as default compiler command
Could not start the command: user0:LaTex.DVIPS.PS2PDF
If you set the latex command to:
latex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %.tex | dvips -o %.ps %.dvi| ps2pdf %.ps
it works, only it is an ugly solution since you are inserting other commands dvips and ps2pdf into the latex command.