There are several ways to show an equation. I'm trying to put a big equation in display mode (i.e.: \[ {\equation} \]
) and to keep it's dimensions within the size that is reasonable, using adjustbox
This is the minimal (non) working example:
\texttt{\\columnwidth is \the\columnwidth}. We are going to see a wonderful equation, it extends to the other column and knows no limits:
%\adjustbox{max size={\columnwidth}{\textheight},keepaspectratio,center}{
\frac{k + l + m + n + p + q + r + t + u + v + w + x + y + z}{a + b + c + d + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + \frac{t + r + y + l + k + s}{\frac{small + characters }{are + fine}}}
I have tried a number of other combinations, like minipage
, gather
and some other. Either it doesn't work or there are some margins that prevent the equation from expanding to the specified width (in this case \columnwidth