Is it really not possible to define drop shadow (with or w/o options) as a macro?

\newcommand{\test}{drop shadow={shadow xshift=1ex}}
 \node[rectangle,fill=red,drop shadow={shadow xshift=1ex}] at (0,0) {test};
 \node[rectangle,fill=green,\test] at (5,0) {test};

When I test this file I get the message 'pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key ...'. I regularly use other options of \node with such macros without problems so far.

1 Answer 1


No, you can't do it, due to expansion issues. The command \node receives \test rather than its contents, and it obviously doesn't know it.

There are two basic solutions: (1) Use \tikzset (or \tikzstyle):

\tikzset{ test/.style = {drop shadow={shadow xshift=1ex}} }
 \node[rectangle,fill=red,drop shadow={shadow xshift=1ex}] at (0,0) {test};
 \node[rectangle,fill=green,test] at (5,0) {test};

(2) Use dirty trick with \edef to expand \test into its contents before \node is expanded. However, this goes with a large PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT flag:

\newcommand{\test}{drop shadow={shadow xshift=1ex}}
 \node[rectangle,fill=red,drop shadow={shadow xshift=1ex}] at (0,0) {test};
 \xyz at (5,0) {test};
  • Yes! This (1) does the trick and your solution is of course far more elegant and tikz-like than my trial. Thanks a lot for the quick help.
    – Jürgen
    Commented Jan 21, 2015 at 8:46

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