I have implemented the Harvard citation style using Biblatex and Biber as described here. This seems to work fine. However, I have now a problem with the line break of long author names, as shown in the figure below:
A similar problem has been described with long URLs here, whereby this problem could have been solved by increasing a certain penalty value.
Consequently, I tried to increase the following penalties as well without success:
- highnamepenalty
- lownamepenalty
Note that that this problem does not occur when I have no tilde (~) in front of the citep-command. However, this is not really a good workaround from my point of view.
A minimal working example can be found below
author = {Fillingham, David},
journal = {MIT},
title = {{A Comparison of Digital and Handwritten Signatures}},
url = {http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.805/student-papers/fall97-papers/fillingham-sig.html},
year = {1997}
Since the fourth century \textit{signatures} are omnipresent in our everyday and business life~\citep{Fillingham1997}. They are broadly used to authenticate the identity of a person as well as to act as a sign of agreement toward third parties.
earlier, you can specify hyphenation with\DefineHyphenationExceptions{british}{Fil-ling-ham}
(for instance).