I’m trying to position a minimal progress bar just beneath the frame title and frame title + framesubtitle bar of the Warsaw theme:




% Progressbar

\def\progressbar@progressbar{} % the progress bar
\newcount\progressbar@tmpcounta% auxiliary counter
\newcount\progressbar@tmpcountb% auxiliary counter
\newdimen\progressbar@pbht %progressbar height
\newdimen\progressbar@pbwd %progressbar width
\newdimen\progressbar@tmpdim % auxiliary dimension



\multiply\progressbar@tmpdim by \progressbar@tmpcounta
\divide\progressbar@tmpdim by \progressbar@tmpcountb

  \begin{tikzpicture}[very thin]

  \shade[draw=red,top color=red!10,bottom color=red!10,middle color=red] %
    (0pt, 0pt) rectangle ++ (\progressbar@tmpdim, \progressbar@pbht);





However, this positions the progress bar about 20pt below the frame titles on all frames (see below). How can this be solved?


1 Answer 1


How about simply adding a \vspace*{-20pt} to you progress bar?


enter image description here

  • Of course - thanks! I got lost in the options of the beamercolorbox itself, thinking there was an error there.
    – Karl
    Commented Jan 24, 2015 at 13:06

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