Can anyone help me understand why this behavior?

shaded/.style={circle,radius=\r,draw,pattern=north west lines,pattern color=blue},
\node[point] (23) at (0,0){$p_{2,3}$};
\node[shaded] (24) [right=of 23]{};
\node[shaded] (22) [left=of 23]{};
\node[empty] (21) [left=of 22] {};

\node[shaded] (33) [above=of 23]{};
\node[shaded] (34) [right=of 33]{};
\node[shaded] (32) [left=of 33]{};
\node[shaded] (31) [left=of 32] {};

\node[shaded] (13) [below=of 23]{};
\node[shaded] (14) [right=of 13]{};
\node[shaded] (12) [left=of 13]{};
\node[shaded] (11) [left=of 12] {}; 


This doesn't result in three types of nodes (circles), instead all I see is two different types either no fill or filled with black color circle nodes. I tried all combinations like

1) shaded/.style={circle,radius=\r,draw,pattern=north west lines,pattern color=blue}," replaced by "shaded/.style={circle,radius=\r,draw,fill=none,pattern=north west lines,pattern color=blue},

2)Trying to draw the circle manually without using the predefined style and giving the option of \draw[pattern,pattern color] and still the same problem.

Edit: If i use the above piece of code stand alone, now I seem to get the expected three styles of nodes/circles. But as part of a another bigger document I seem to be running into the problem i.e., something else overriding it and I see filled black circles even when i define it using \node[shaded].

%Lot of remaining part of the journal is here%
shaded/.style={circle,radius=\r,draw,pattern=north west lines,pattern color=blue},
\node[point] (23) at (0,0){$p_{2,3}$};
\node[shaded] (24) [right=of 23]{};
\node[shaded] (22) [left=of 23]{};
\node[empty] (21) [left=of 22] {};

\node[shaded] (33) [above=of 23]{};
\node[shaded] (34) [right=of 33]{};
\node[shaded] (32) [left=of 33]{};
\node[shaded] (31) [left=of 32] {};

\node[shaded] (13) [below=of 23]{};
\node[shaded] (14) [right=of 13]{};
\node[shaded] (12) [left=of 13]{};
\node[shaded] (11) [left=of 12] {}; 


Edit 2:


After elimination process I've figured out the problem. The above two lines in the Preamble are causing the problem. I am sorry for the naivety in using the libraries without knowing the exact purpose. But why should these two lines cause this problem?

  • 1
    Can you please complete your code snippet to a compilable minimal working example MWE? BTW: Welcome to TeX.SE!
    – Mensch
    Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 18:34
  • 1
    After suitable completion of your code I get the three expected styles compiling with pdflatex. Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 18:42
  • I did the changes asked and I hope i am clearer now. Sorry for the inconvenience Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 19:10
  • Perhaps you redefined elsewhere the shaded style? It's hard (almost impossible) to detect the problem without some example code reproducing it. Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 21:03

1 Answer 1


The order of package loading is important here: load xcolor and pstricks (if you really need both TikZ and PStricks) before loading tikz, as in


A better approach here would be to pass usenames and dvipsnames as class options, so they will be picked by every responsive package, in particular, pstricks and xcolor; furthermore, since xcolor is internally loaded by tikz, you don't need to load it explicitly. You can then simply say:


By the way, never pass driver options to graphicx; instead of


use simply


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