I'd like to draw triangle like the following:

enter image description here

but using the following code which produces:

enter image description here

The code must represent the structure of the triangle, like that: \documentclass[tikz,border=2pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{intersections,arrows.meta} \usepackage{siunitx}


      \draw   (0,0) -- (5,0) -- (5,5) -- (5.5,5);
      \draw[name path=A] (0,0)coordinate(o) -- (5,4.5)node[pos=0.8,sloped,auto]{$l_2=\SI{10}{\meter}$};
      \draw[name path=B] (0,3) -- (5,0)node[pos=0.1,sloped,auto]{};
      \path[name intersections={of=A and B,by={a}}];
      \draw[dashed] (a)node[right=1mm]{M} -- (a|-o)node[pos=0.7,auto]{$R=\SI{3}{\meter}$}
      \coordinate (o) at (0,-0.5);
      \draw[|<->|] (0,-0.5) -- node[below]{$d_1$} (a|-o);
      \draw[|<->|] (0,-1) -- node[below]{$d$} (5,-1);
      \draw[|<->|] (5.5,0) -- node[right]{$R_2$} (5.5,4.5);


so i can't manage any help would be appreciated

  • And your question is ...? Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 16:06
  • 2
    Why can't you just adapt the code provided in the answer to your other question? You've posted code here which seems to be just the same code you posted earlier for your other question. The site is not intended to have people draw figure after figure for you. You need to try to understand the code and draw what you need yourself.
    – cfr
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 16:09
  • its not the same code that i post it in other post check it
    – Educ
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 16:10
  • 1
    The figure here is simpler than the one you already got an answer to. So, start with the code for the more complex diagram and remove the parts which are not necessary in order to create this one.
    – cfr
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 16:10
  • There is a lot of good examples in the book tikz-euclid that you can find here: msenux.redwoods.edu/math/workshops/LatexWorkshop/docs/… and altermundus.fr/downloads/documents/Sangaku.pdf Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 17:09

1 Answer 1


Use \path instead of \draw for the "ladder" which shouldn't be drawn:

enter image description here



      \draw   (0,0) -- (5,0) -- (5,5) -- (5.5,5);
      \draw[name path=A] (0,0)coordinate(o) -- (5,4.5)node[pos=0.8,sloped,auto]{$l_2=\SI{10}{\meter}$};
      \path[name path=B] (0,3) -- (5,0)node[pos=0.1,sloped,auto]{};
      \path[name intersections={of=A and B,by={a}}];
      \draw[dashed] (a)node[right=1mm]{M} -- (a|-o)node[pos=0.7,auto]{$R=\SI{3}{\meter}$}
      \coordinate (o) at (0,-0.5);
      \draw[|<->|] (0,-0.5) -- node[below]{$d_1$} (a|-o);
      \draw[|<->|] (0,-1) -- node[below]{$d$} (5,-1);
      \draw[|<->|] (5.5,0) -- node[right]{$R_2$} (5.5,4.5);


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