I try to reuse this code from fpast (Generating Random arrows in tikz) in context but I found a error message associated with the freelabel() function. If I try to add the labels with label() function or by "draw textext()" method I found the same error. I think that this error is related to context side.
! Declared variable conflicts with previous vardef.
; <*> ...idate, random_vector[], bb_candidate, bb[]; vardef bb(expr p) = save ...
! Inconsistent equation (off by -20). ; <*> ...enddef; pickup pencircle scaled 2bp; i = 1; forever: exitunless (i <=...
numeric u, nb_vectors, wd;
u := 1cm; % unit length
nb_vectors := 20; wd = .5;
boolean intersect; pair random_origin; color random_color; path candidate, random_vector[], bb_candidate, bb[];
vardef bb(expr p) =
save orig, extr; pair orig, extr; orig = point 0 of p; extr = point 1 of p;
pair v,w; v = wd*unitvector(extr-orig)*u; w = v rotated 90;
(orig - v + w) -- (extr + v + w) -- (extr + v - w) -- (orig - v - w) -- cycle
pickup pencircle scaled 2bp;
i = 1;
exitunless (i <= nb_vectors);
intersect := false;
random_length := u*(2+uniformdeviate(1));
random_angle := uniformdeviate(359);
random_origin := u*(uniformdeviate(wd*nb_vectors), uniformdeviate(wd*nb_vectors));
random_color := (uniformdeviate(1), uniformdeviate(1), uniformdeviate(1));
candidate := random_origin -- (random_origin + random_length*dir(random_angle));
j := 1;
exitif (j = i) or (intersect = true);
if bb(random_vector[j]) intersectiontimes bb(candidate) <> (-1, -1):
intersect := true;
j := j+1;
if intersect = false:
random_vector[i] = candidate;
drawarrow candidate withcolor random_color;
freelabel(btex $v$ etex, point .5 of candidate, point .5 of candidate + dir (random_angle + 90));
i := i+1;
runs without errors.