I have a very specific problem that repeats several times. On picture I have a line and above line I have an arrow with a node. Because of the line, node is not visible enough (picture left). What I want to do is to make line more transparent. I tried fill opacity, which is good in a way it makes line grey, but it also makes grey text as well as arrow (picture right).
Is there a way to make only line grey?
\draw (0,0) -- (0,2);
\draw[ultra thick,->] (2,2) -- (0.1,1) node[below left=-3pt,inner sep=0.5pt] {$\Phi_{x+\Delta x}$};
\draw (0,0) -- (0,2);
\draw[ultra thick,->] (2,2) -- (0.1,1) node[rectangle,rounded corners=3pt,fill=white,fill opacity=0.5,below left=-3pt,inner sep=0.5pt] {$\Phi_{x+\Delta x}$};
EDIT: In recently deleted response, I've learned that text opacity=1
solves the problem in a way it makes text black, but I still don't know how to prevent arrow to become grey.