I am using TikZ/PGF to build a flowchart. To construct the shapes I need, I used the flowchart
package plus the ones given in this excellent answer. I modified the decision shape to have the aspect ratio of 1.5, since this is what the german norm on flowcharts (DIN 66001) states. But it seems that the aspect of the actual shape doesn´t follow my specification.
How can I enforce the aspect without stating minimum width and height? Will this work also, if my text surpasses the stated minimum width?
\tikzset{every picture/.append style={font=\small}}
\tikzset{decision/.style={ % requires library shapes.geometric
\node [decision,minimum width=\minwd,align=left] {\texttt{hh}$\,>1$};
\node [decision,minimum width=\minwd,minimum height=\minhg,red] {};