I tried very hard to convert pre-formatted IPA characters to pdf using xelatex but failed so far. I use Debian and latexmk command. The report is from the database and is formatted and paginated so that I use
to keep the format.
The titles are to represent Vietnamese, Korean, Persian, Russian, French, Greek, Chinese and others and shown below. If I use 'Linux Libertine O', Russian and Persian and some other characters not converted properly to pdf giving, for example, "missing character: there is no ͡ in font[lmmono10-regular]. I also tried 'Charis SIL Compact' along with many others but no success.
I want to take care of all fonts in the header section before \begin{document} because it is very difficult to switch font in the middle of the pre-formated report.
Is this possible to do or am I trying something impossible?
Thank you very much. The sample titles of many languages follows.
Pochemu i͡a stal simvolistom i pochemu
Moskva i "Moskva" : Andrei͡a Belogo /
Andreĭ Belyĭ.
Vospominanii͡a ob Andree Belom /
I︠A︡, Faina Ranevskai︠a︡-- i vzdornai︠
Bāzmāndihʼ-i rūz /
Mastānah-yi ʻishq /
Pādāsh ṣabr /
Qiṣih yi man va aū /
Bād mā rā khvāhad burd /
Ṭaʻm-i gas-i khurmālū /
Nīyāzam-- /
¿Muerta?-- ¡pero de la risa! /
El poder curativo de la mente : técnic
Más allá de Conny Méndez 4 en 1 : de l
Libro del juego de las suertes nuevame
Qué es la wicca? : brujería de hoy /
Đông cỏ /
Ai nơ ép duyên /
Gió ngàn phương : tiêu thuyêt tình cảm
Đạo đưc kinh : Quôc văn giải thích /
Thiên học Viêt Nam /
Sinwŏn misang yŏja : Pʻatʻŭrik Modiano
Tongmul nongjang ; 1984-yŏn /
Tʻawŏ : Pae Myŏng-hun yŏnjak sosŏl.
Kŭ kŏri ŭi hyŏnjae nŭn /
Nobou ŭi sŏng = Nobō no shiro /
Renée Pélagie, marquise de Sade /
Anna Karénine.
La cour des miracles.
Chagrin d'école /
Ssu-chʻuan tsʻai = Chinese cuisine Sze
Tʻai-wan tsʻai /
Riben nü ren bu hui pang ye bu hui lao
means that you haven't declared a monospaced font, so XeLaTeX is resort to the default, Latin Modern Mono (lmmono
). You should use\setmonofont
to use a monospaced font with wider Unicode coverage. See the discussion at complete, monospaced Unicode font? for ideas on fonts to try.