I have a node within a pgfplot that is rather long. I know I can move the node along using pos but that's not what I want, since in the actual applications I have more objects on the plot. On the other hand I have space outside of the plot, yet the plot seems to automatically crop. The MWE below displays the problem to be solved.




        axis lines=left,

{10+1*x}node[sloped,pos=0.7,below]{Please show all of me even though I am long};


  • 1
    You can use the key clip=false in the axis options... see page 325 of the 1.12 manual
    – darthbith
    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 21:28

1 Answer 1


I'm sure this must have been asked already, but I cannot find a previous question, so I'll give an answer...

You need to add clip=false to the axis options, as shown on page 325 of the v1.12 pgfplots manual.




        axis lines=left,

{10+1*x}node[sloped,pos=0.7,below]{Please show all of me even though I am long};



enter image description here


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