I'm "getting angry" with the documentation of scrlttr2 class. I would see all the option I can include in that class. I have the manual of koma-script, but I can't find that doc.
Can someone help me?
In both versions of the KOMA-Script manual (the printed version [includes more informations] and the pdf version [texdoc scrguien
or german texdoc scrguide
]) you will find in the index the Class Options and the Package options. The page numbers differs if you use the german or english, the printed or pdf version.
The KOMA-Script manual describes all options you can use, but you have to look into the index and search that one you need.
Or you can add what you need to your question.
In the German version you will find on page 453 (Chapter 21, class and package options):
All of this options and there values can be used for class scr...
or KOMA-Script packages. The meaning and result is described on the page(s) you can click on in the index. The red numbers are links to the page ...
to do with your problem? I added an image to my answer (in German language). If that does not help please explain more what your problem is ...
texdoc scrguien
should open the PDF.