For PlainTeX (I did find similar questions for latex):
- Q 1: How to ensure upper left cell is two rows tall?
- Q 2: How to ensure entry in upper left cell is vertically and horizontally centered?
In following image, table on left is as per code below; want guidance on developing code for table on right:
Code (for table on left):
% plain TeX with pdftex
Attempt at adapting example from Seroul and Levy's {\it A Beginner's Book of $TeX$}:
\item{Q 1}How to ensure upper left cell is two rows tall?
\item{Q 2}How to ensure entry in upper left cell is vertically and horizontlly centered?
\catcode`\*=\active \def*{\hphantom{0}}
\def\vr{\vrule height 12pt depth 5pt} \def\vrq{\vr\quad}
\+\vr\quad A \quad&\vr\quad Col A\quad&\vr\quad Col B\quad&\cr
\+\vrq &\vrq Spanning 2 Cols&&\vr\cr
\+\vrq \# &\vr\hfill Col A\hfill&\vr\hfill Col B\hfill&\vr\cr
\+\vrq 1 &\vr\hfill R1C1\hfill&\vr\hfill R1C2\hfill&\vr\cr
\+\vrq 2 &\vr\hfill R2C1\hfill&\vr\hfill R2C2\hfill&\vr\cr
Used the library and looked at about 10 books on plain TeX -- only one, Malcolm Clark's A Plain TeX Primer address creation of tables which contain not only horizontally combined cells but also vertically combined cells (refer Figures 15.3 and 16.3 of that book).
I tried to modify the table from Section 9.10 of Seroul and Levy's A Beginnner's Book of TeX by using Clark's ideas to add both horizontally and vertically combined cells -- but as can be seen from the figure below, there is the issue of vertical centering, excess vertical space, and vertical "barbs":
Here's the code:
% plain TeX with pdftex
%\def\foovrule{\vrule height 0pt depth 0pt}
%\def\foohrulefill{\leaders\hrule height 0pt depth 0pt \hfill}
\def\mr{\omit&height 2pt&&&&&&\cr}
\vbox to#1\normalbaselineskip
\noalign{\hrule} \mr
&&\omit\bf name&&
\bf type&&
\bf value&\cr
\mr \noalign{\hrule} \mr
&&x&& integer&& 1987& \cr
\mr \noalign{\hrule} \mr
&&y&& real&& 3.14159& \cr
\mr \noalign{\hrule} \mr
&&\vspan2{entry needs lowering}&& excess space below&& excess space below& \cr
\omit\foohrulefill\foovrule \cr
&&&& \multispan3 small vertical barbs from column divider& \cr
\mr \noalign{\hrule} \mr
&&z&& boolean&& false& \cr
\mr \noalign{\hrule}
Attempts to fix the vertical issues (centering, excess space, and barbs) by playing with height and depth of \vrule and \hrulefill (see \foovrule and \foohrulefill) did not help.
Yet Another Update:
Was able to tweak @wipet 's solution to get the following
Here's the tweaks:
1) Removed barbs by making their height 0:
\def\barb{\omit \vrule height 0pt \hfil\vrule}
2) Made spaces above and below entries equal by increasing depth in \halign:
\halign{\vrule height3ex depth2ex
3) Readjusted centering by modifying \def\low#1:
I suspect @wipet can come up with a better way to implement the tweaks; will await for this possibility happening before accepting his solution.