I want to make sure that a short text (a signature) after a tcolorbox doesn't end on a page of its own. I'm using a \raisebox
and tried to enlarge the bounding box of the tcolorbox with enlarge bottom finally by
enlarge bottom finally by=1cm,
show bounding box,
title={my title},title after break={my title}]
%\lipsum[1] %for a box with a break.
\raisebox{-1cm}[0pt][0pt]{some text}
The bounding box is in most cases as expected.
But there is a problem if the box in itself can be placed on the page but is to large when the additional bottom is taken into account. In this case the additional bottom is squeezed and my text is in the footer:
How could I tell tcolorbox to break the box earlier without resorting to some manual fine tuning of the parameters (the box is in an automatically created document)?