normally i'm using plain tikz for curve plotting. I need "school book style" coordinate systems with a 50mm grid.

I tried using the tikz data visualization library.



\datavisualization [ 
      school book axes={unit=0.5},
      visualize as smooth line, 
      x axis={label={$x$},grid,grid={minor steps between steps=1}}, 
      y axis={label={$y$},grid,grid={minor steps between steps=1}},
      every major grid/.style = {style={gray, thin}},
      every minor grid/.style = {style={gray, very thin}}

data [format=function] { 
  var x : interval [-2:2]; 
  func y = 1/2*(\value x)^2; 
info' {
   \fill[fill=lightgray] (visualization cs: x=1, y=0) -- plot [domain=1:2] (visualization cs: x=\x,y={0.5*(\x)^2}) -- (visualization cs: x=2, y=0) --cycle;


The only thing i did not get right, is coloring the area under a curve. I tried the following in the info' block:

\fill[fill=lightgray] (visualization cs: x=1, y=0) -- plot [domain=1:2] (visualization cs: x=\x,y={0.5*(\x)^2}) -- (visualization cs: x=2, y=0) --cycle;

But this results in a PGF Math Error. Package PGF Math Error: Could not parse input '0.5*(1)^2'

I guess i need a way to tell the plot command to use the visualization cs.

Thanks in advance.



3 Answers 3


Better create a new visualizer different from visualize as line. So I copy the definition of the latter from tikzlibrarydatavisualization.code.tex. The only different is that

every path/.style={draw},

is changed to

every path/.style={draw,fill},



  visualize as pie/.style={
    new object={
      when=after survey,
      store=/tikz/data visualization/visualizers/#1,
      class=plot handler visualizer,
    new visualizer={#1}{%
      every path/.style={draw,fill},
      style={every mark/.append style={color=visualizer color}},
      mark size=2pt,
      color=visualizer color,
      /tikz/data visualization/every visualize as line/.try,
    }{visualizer in legend=\tikz@dv@legend@entry@as@example},
    #1={straight line}
  visualize as pie/.default=pie,

        school book axes={unit=0.5},
        x axis={label={$x$},grid,grid={minor steps between steps=1}}, 
        y axis={label={$y$},grid,grid={minor steps between steps=1}},
        every major grid/.style={style={gray,thin}},
        every minor grid/.style={style={gray,very thin}},
        visualize as pie
        data point[x=-2, y=0]
        data[format=function]{var x :interval [-2:2];func y =1/2*(\value x)^2;}
        data point[x=2, y=0];

  • 1
    So i can overlay both visualizers to get a colored area from a to b. Thank you! Can you give me a hint where i can specify the fill color/pattern?
    – cw79
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 17:19
  • 1
    I believe it's generally good practice to close your "hacks" with \makeatother. Commented Aug 1, 2015 at 21:31

Not exactly using visualization but pgfplots with its fillbetween library. This will look easy.



    axis on top
    \addplot[draw=none,name path=A,domain=-2:2,fill=olive!40] {1/2*(x)^2}\closedcycle;
    \addplot[solid,thick,red,domain=-2:2] {1/2*(x)^2};


enter image description here

I have first filled the region and the plotted the curve so as to avoid the lines around the fill. Also, axis on top helps in keeping the x axis on top in this case.

  • I have rather rigid requirements for my plots. I need a 50mm grid in print, centered axes and the option to draw figures (e.g. triangles, rectancles, circles) onto the coordinate system.
    – cw79
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 14:03
  • @cw79 All those can be done within this frame work. :-)
    – user11232
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 14:05

Using coordinate calculation (\usetikzlibrary{calc}) one can do a coordinate transformation. Unfortunately, I only found this kind of messy transformation, maybe someone can post a cleaner way to do this.

info' {
  \begin{scope}[shift={(visualization cs:x=0, y=0)},
     x={($(visualization cs:x=1, y=0)-(visualization cs:x=0, y=0)$)},
     y={($(visualization cs:x=0, y=1)-(visualization cs:x=0, y=0)$)}]
    \fill[fill=lightgray] (1,0) -- plot [domain=1:2] (\x,{0.5*(\x)^2}) -- (2, 0) --cycle;

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