I am preparing a presentation in Beamer using \useoutertheme{miniframes}
and \useinnertheme{circles}
, and my own modded version of the default colortheme.
I want to have a Frankfurt-like navigation bar in the top, but instead of setting a background color, I have an image providing the background for the top bar.
What I want is the current section title and subsection dots to be highlighted compared to the rest, like this:
...except this only works when I declare a background colour for "section in head/foot". When I set {bg=}
in that definition, it shades the active section and circles darker than the rest, which is the opposite of what I want:
If I set the fg
to be completely white, then everything gets white, no shading of inactive regions. What I want is the shading on the first image with the background of the second image.
How can I achieve this?
Edit: Minimal Working Example
Here's a minimal working example. To function, it needs a background image, I used this background image from The Internetz(TM).
The code for a minimal working example is below.
There are 3 different options for \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}
; option 1 produces correct background with all-white navigation with no shading, option 2 provides correct background but wrong shading (the emphasized parts are darker on a dark background image), and option 3 provides correct shading but sets a solid background color covering the image.
What I want is the background image of option 1 and 2, but the shading of the navigation items of option3.
%\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{parent=structure}%, bg=black} %opt.1
\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{parent=structure,fg=white!70!black} %opt.2
%\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{parent=structure, bg=black} %opt.3
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=white!80!blue}
\title{the title}
\author{John Doe}
Some text
Some text
Some text
Some text
Some text
Some text
and ending with\end{document}