In particular I want to insert a rectangle between the two open ends (between R1 and ground) in this circuit?


\ctikzset{bipoles/ammeter/text rotate/.initial=0, rotation/.style={bipoles/ammeter/text rotate=#1},


\draw (0,0)
node[transformer,yscale=1.2] (T) {}
(T.B1) to [D,l=Diode] (3,|-T.B1)
to [R,l=3.3 <\kilo\ohm>] (3,|-T.B2)
-- (T.B2)
-- (12,|-T.B2);

\ctikzset{bipoles/resistor/height =0.3}
\draw (3,|-T.B1)
to [vR,l=$R_1{=} 0 $] (6,|-T.B1)
to (6,-0.2)
(12,|-T.B2) node [below=1pt]{X-Channel}
(6,|-T.B1) to [short,-*] ++(2,0) node [right=2pt]{Y-Channel}
(6,-1) to [short] ++ (2.2,0) node [ground,xscale=0.5,yscale=0.7] {}
(T) node [right=15pt,below=30pt,rotate = 90] {$\SI{9}\volt_{rms}$}

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Like this?


\ctikzset{bipoles/ammeter/text rotate/.initial=0, rotation/.style={bipoles/ammeter/text rotate=#1},


\draw (0,0)
node[transformer,yscale=1.2] (T) {}
(T.B1) to [D,l=Diode] (3,|-T.B1)
to [R,l=3.3 <\kilo\ohm>] (3,|-T.B2)
-- (T.B2)
-- (12,|-T.B2);

\ctikzset{bipoles/resistor/height =0.3}
\draw (3,|-T.B1)
to [vR,l=$R_1{=} 0 $] (6,|-T.B1)
to (6,-0.2)
(12,|-T.B2) node [below=1pt]{X-Channel}
(6,|-T.B1) to [short,-*] ++(2,0) node [right=2pt]{Y-Channel}
(6,-1) to [short] ++ (2.2,0) node [ground,xscale=0.5,yscale=0.7] {}
(T) node [right=15pt,below=30pt,rotate = 90] {$\SI{9}\volt_{rms}$}
(6,-0.9) rectangle +(2,0.6)

enter image description here

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