the latex source is as follows:
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And, when I reference Fig. \ref{fig:comparison}
, it shows Fig. 7
, which is right. But, when I reference Fig. \ref{fig:comparison1}
and Fig. \ref{fig:comparison2}
, it shows Fig. 8(a)
and Fig. 8(b)
which I expect Fig. 7(a)
and Fig. 7(b)
Could you help give some advice, please? Thanks!
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Fig. \ref{fig:comparision}. As shown in Fig. \ref{fig:comparision1},
From the Fig. \ref{fig:comparision2},
\protect\caption{Classification accuracies comparision of different methods. \label{fig:comparision}}
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should be\centering
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Lyx 2.1
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s and\par
s are automatically generated by theLyx
editor, thus I couldn't delete them manually.lyx
file. If convenient, please help check it. Thanks!