I'm using tikz-timing to draw timing diagram. It looks really nice, but I want to apply some optical improvements like changing the 'arrow tip kind'.
So I added >=Latex[]
to my tikztimingtable environment, but I get a error from pgf:
Package pgf error: Unknown arrow tip kind 'Latex'.
I also tried other kinds like Triangle.
timing/nice tabs,
I don't want to change the arrow tip kind in every \draw
instruction (located in the \extracode
section). So I'm looking for a general way to override the default arrow tip kind.
Loaded packages:
\usepackage{pgf} % primitive drawing library
\usepackage{tikz} % PGF frontend, drawing macros
\usepackage{tikz-timing} % spezial TikZ library for waveform/timing diagrams
\usetikztiminglibrary{advnodes} % sublibrary for advanced anchor nodes
\usetikztiminglibrary{counters} % sublibrary for automated content generation
\usetikztiminglibrary{clockarrows} % sublibrary for for arrows on rising/falling edges
\usetikztiminglibrary{either} % sublibrary for new either symbol
\usetikztiminglibrary{columntype} % sublibrary for
\usetikztiminglibrary{overlays} % sublibrary for overlay generation
\usetikztiminglibrary{nicetabs} % sublibrary for better looking timingtables