I've the following latex-code to get pagenumbers at the top at "normal" pages and at the bottom at the beginning of a chapter.

\documentclass[pdftex,a4paper,11pt,parskip=half,twoside,headings=normal, headsepline,numbers=noenddot,openright, BCOR=5mm, toc=bibliography]{scrbook}


The issue is on the first index-page. There, I don't get a pagenumber at the bottom. How can I fix this?

1 Answer 1


You have to redefine the \indexpagestyle, too. Use


Note that the package scrpage2 is deprecated. The successor is package scrlayer-scrpage

  headings=normal, headsepline,numbers=noenddot,open=right,
  BCOR=5mm, toc=bibliography]{scrbook}




In your MWE there are no other pages using the pagestyle plain which is the default for \chapterpagestyle and \indexpagestyle. In that case you could also use

  headings=normal, headsepline,numbers=noenddot,open=right,
  BCOR=5mm, toc=bibliography]{scrbook}

\cfoot[\pagemark]{}% pagenumber in the foot on plain pages


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