For creating a test I use the exam class, which worked out fine so far. Now I need to implement a question with the possible answers beeing a matrix like this:


However I can't manage to put the \choice command (of the exam class) in that form (I want to use exam for printing automatic solution papers also). When I simply put it inside a tabular it does not seem to work out. How could I realize this?

PS: The example above (just as a visual explanation, it is not using the exam class) is:

     & Orange & Green & Aubergine \\
     Fruit & $\Box$ & $\Box$ & $\Box$ \\
     Vegetable & $\Box$ & $\Box$ & $\Box$ \\
     Colorname & $\Box$ & $\Box$ & $\Box$ \\

[Edit: add example code] [Edit2: Clarify question]

  • 1
    Please add a minimal working example (MWE)
    – user11232
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 9:04
  • I would have, but I didn't have the slightest idea, what kind of example would be helpful for that kind of question...
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 9:08
  • @HarishKumar Do you think the source of the above would be helpful?
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 9:16
  • Certainly. It will save us some typing (atleast).
    – user11232
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 9:47

3 Answers 3


The exam documentation states:

The checkboxes environment creates a list environment with the choices as the items in the list.

So every \begin{checkboxes}...\end{checkboxes} creates a new list. You can't put different items from the same list in different cells in a table. So you'll need to create a new one-item list for every cell in your table. And you can't put a list in a tabular without having a predefined column width. So either use alignment options (p, m, b, ...) that give you a fixed column width or put the list in a minipage-like environment such as varwidth (which will also horizontally center its content).

As our lists are one-item lists and we don't really want them to look like a list, we'll need some customization. In the exam class this is done width \checkboxeshook. So go for:


Now make a macro so you don't need to copy paste too much code. This will also increase the readability of your code. Here are 2 macros. One for a regular checkbox option and one for the correct choice checkbox:

\newcommand{\tablecorrectchoice}{\begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}\begin{checkboxes}\CorrectChoice\ \end{checkboxes}\end{varwidth}}

All these things put together get you:



\newcommand{\tablecorrectchoice}{\begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}\begin{checkboxes}\CorrectChoice\ \end{checkboxes}\end{varwidth}}





    \question Answer the following question: \\
        & Orange & Green & Aubergine \\ \hline
        Fruit & \tablechoice & \tablechoice & \tablechoice \\
        Vegetable & \tablechoice & \tablecorrectchoice & \tablechoice \\
        Colorname & \tablechoice & \tablechoice & \tablechoice \\



enter image description here

  • Thanks for your explanation, that looks exactly like solving my problems. Need some time now to play around and understand ;-)
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 18:58
  • @Marteen: Will do soon, there were issues not letting me find time for my latex stuff these days. Sorry...
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 19, 2015 at 10:04
  • Really, really sorry for my huge delay... I start to get the point of of what you're doing. However, I can't build your full code (TeXLive-2014): test2.tex:22 Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (R): c' used \begin{tabular}{R{1.7cm}|*3{C{2cm}}} test2.tex:22 Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (1.7cm): c' used \begin{tabular}{R{1.7cm}|*3{C{2cm}}}
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 23, 2015 at 18:26
  • @hoeni Don't worry about delays :) The reason why you couldn't compile was because there was a typo in my code (a remnant from a previous edit). Anyway, it's fixed now. I also tried to give a better explanation as to why I do what I do. And I also added code for the correct choice checkbox to use in case you want to print solutions. Commented Apr 23, 2015 at 21:49
  • Works like a charm! Thanks for your helpful explanation!
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 25, 2015 at 17:48

Based on Maarten Dhondt's helpful answer I built myself an environment with the number of horizontal options to avoid repeating myself for other questions:


\newenvironment {choicetable} [1] {
    \newcommand{\CX}{\begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}\begin{checkboxes}\CorrectChoice\ \end{checkboxes}\end{varwidth}}
} {

    \question Answer the following question: \\
        & Orange & Green & Aubergine \\ \hline
        Fruit & \CO & \CO & \CO \\
        Vegetable & \CO & \CX & \CO \\
        Colorname & \CO & \CO & \CO \\

enter image description here


Something like this?


\usepackage{array, makecell, eqparbox}

  \begin{tabular}{@{}r! {\vrule width 0.8pt}*{3}{c}}%{>{\centering $}m{2cm}<{$}}
                & \colhead[DarkOrange3]{Orange} & \colhead[OliveDrab3]{Green} & \colhead[Plum4]{Aubergine} \\
    Fruit & \tsq & \tsq & \tsq \\
    Vegetable & \tsq & \tsq & \tsq \\
    Colour name & \tsq & \tsq & \tsq


enter image description here

  • 2
    I can't see how this is useable as multiple choice questions for the exam class. Sorry if my question wasn't clear enough.
    – hoeni
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 11:26
  • I didn't understand you want to use the \choice command. There was no code when I saw the question, and I didn't check before posting.
    – Bernard
    Commented Apr 6, 2015 at 11:31

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