For those who need non Beamer version, see the following.
LaTeX Input File:
In this illustration I use PSTricks.
% travelingwave.tex
\paperwidth=\dimexpr\Right cm\relax
\paperheight=\dimexpr\Top cm - \Bottom cm\relax
Batch File:
rem compile.bat takes a LaTeX input file without extension.
echo off
latex %1
dvips -t unknown %1
gswin32c -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%1.pdf
convert -verbose -delay 25 -loop 0 -density 300 %1.pdf %1.gif
rem acrord32 %1.pdf
del %1.log
del %1.aux
del %1.dvi
For the sake of simplicity, save both travelingwave.tex
and compile.bat
in the same directory. To compile, type compile travelingwave
in DOS-command, and hit enter. Done!
- See ImageMagick v6 Examples -- Animation Basics for the detailed description about
's switches.
- If
is disabled, we will get an effect as follows.
- ImageMagick's
invokes GhostScript gswin32c.exe
behind the scene as follows.