I also have a question about Serbian Cyrillic latter in latex. So I write some code in latex to have Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) and English language in a same document. Fortunately, in my case when I transform to italic I got Russian Cyrillic letter.
This is my code:
\newcommand\textcyr[1]{{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\selectfont #1}}
Text in English.\\ \textit{Ili probaću da pišem kako treba latiničnim pismom.}
\textcyr{\cyracc ja bih bio tamo gde je deda voleo biti. Gde \'ce biti deda?}
\textit{\textcyr{\cyracc ja bih bio tamo gde je deda voleo biti}}
A word and another
\foreignlanguage{serbian}{\textcyr{\cyracc \textit{slovo}}}
and I got this:
but I would like to have g, d, p and t latter on Serbian Cyrillic like on picture:
Also I'm interested in how can I use just one letter to define one letter in Cyrillic. So here I make alphabet, but I would like to write just š instead sh, or ć instead \'c... etc.
\newcommand\textcyr[1]{{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\selectfont #1}}
Serbian alphabet again \dots \textcyr{\cyracc
A B V G D DJ E Zh Z I J K L LJ M N NJ O P R S T \'C U F Kh C Ch \Dzh\ Sh
\textcyr{\cyracc \\Ja sam bio kod babe i dede. Tako sam pokushao da uradim neshto lepo.
\\a b v g d dj e zh z i j k l lj m n nj o p r s t \'c u f kh c ch \dzh\ sh}
Any help!? Thanks!
fonts don't support the Serbian variants for italic letters. Only a few OpenType fonts do: Linux Libertine, Old Standard and EB Garamond, for instance. But they require typesetting with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX.cyracc.def
were intended for use with thewncyr
fonts, which , as @egreg says, don't support the serbian variants for italic letters. these definitions were devised for a specific purpose: to implement the math reviews conventions for cyrillic transliteration, based on plain tex requirements as of the early 1980s. no single-letter input is possible, nor is it likely to be;cyracc.def
should be considered an obsolete artifact, and should be used only for reprocessing existing old documents.