I have to produce two different versions of a document: one with author-year citations, and one with numbered citations. Thus, I'm using natbib
and for each document I modify the natbib
Although I can provide a width for the table's citation column, I would like it to automatically decide the width as with numbered citations its width is much smaller than needed with a author-year citation. How can I go about solving this issue (preferably automatically)?
The following is the MWE that generates this:
author = {First Last and Fname Lname and F.N. Somename},
title = {Title of this wonderful article},
journal = {Unknown journal},
volume = {2},
number = {5},
pages = {100--101},
year = {1901}
author = {{Company Has A Terrible Long Abbreviation (CHATLA)}},
title = {CHATLNAA does everything for you},
howpublished = {\url{http://www.chatlnaa.com}},
year = {2017},
note = {Accessed today}
Here is some text, and we refer to \citep{Somecite}. \Citet{Anothercite} is there too. See table.
\caption{Overview of a table with a lot of numbers.}\label{tbl:numbers} \\
Name & &Location &Number 1 & \multicolumn{7}{c|}{Items} \\
& & & &\bs Item 1 \es &\bs Item 2 \es &\bs Item 3 \es &\bs Item 4 \es &\bs Item 5 \es &\bs Item 6 \es &\bs Item 7 \es \\
\hline \endhead
\hline \endfoot
\hline \endlastfoot
A name that is short &\citep{Somecite} &Locaville &100 & &x & & & & &\\
Some name that is relatively long, but alright &\citep{Anothercite} &Abroad & 900 m & &x & & &x & &\\