I need some help drawing a block diagram using TiKz.
I want draw something similar to this:
However, I'm struggling to go further than this so far:
using the code below:
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw, rectangle, minimum size=5em]
\tikzstyle{joint} = [draw, circle, minimum size=1em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, auto, node distance=2cm]
% Place nodes
\node [block] (system) {System};
\node [coordinate, left=of system] (infork) {};
\node [coordinate, left=of infork] (input) {};
\node [coordinate, right=of system] (outfork) {};
\node [coordinate, right=of outfork] (output) {};
\node [coordinate, above=of system] (disturbances) {};
\node [block, below=of system] (model) {Model};
\node [joint, right=of model] (sum) {};
\node [coordinate, right=of sum] (error) {};
% Connect nodes
\draw [->, decorate, decoration={snake, post length=1mm}] (disturbances) -- node {\(d'\)} (system);
\draw [->] (input) -- node {\(u'\)} (system);
\draw [->] (system) -- node {\(t'\)} (output);
\draw [->] (model) -- node {\(y\)} (sum);
\draw [->] (sum) -- node {\(\epsilon\)} (error);
\draw [->] (infork) |- node {\(u\)} (model);
\draw [->] (outfork) -- node {\(t\)} (sum);
Namely, I would like to find how to:
Place a the rectangle called
between the two blocks. Preferably, this rectangle would be filled with light gray color and would be bordered by a dashed line. Note: I don't mind the rectangle cover the vertical lines. I just want these to keep its vertical directionPlace the
circle exactly behind the fork so as to have a vertical line connectingt'
to this circleHave the
placed correctly (e.g. like they are in the first picture)Have the
signs where the arrows meet the circle