I want to create a new element to use in a circuit diagram. So far I have used CircuiTikz for the circuit diagram, but I am not familiar with the low level PGF commands that defines the standard elements. What would be the easiest way to create a simple component like the one I have drawn in the figure? I must be able to include it in the rest of my circuit diagram though.
Code for the circuit I want to connect the new element to:
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.75, american inductors, american voltages, european resistors]
(0,3.5) to[short] (0.5,4) to[short] (1,4) to[L] (3,4) to[short] (6,4)
(0,3.5) to[short] (0.5,3.5) to[short] (1,3.5) to[L] (3,3.5) to[short] (6,3.5)
(0,3.5) to[short] (0.5,3) to[short] (1,3) to[L] (3,3) to[short] (6,3);
(0,3.5) to[short, *-] (0,2)
to[R] (0,0)
node[ground] {};
%I want to connect the new component here at the red dot!
\filldraw[fill=red] (0,2.5) circle (0.2);
I want to connect it at the red dot.