Package pgfplots
supports layers. From its documentation I would have expected that either
set layers,
axis line style={on layer=axis foreground},
set layers=axis on top,
grid style={on layer=axis background},
should have worked. But neither the axis lines could be moved to the foreground layer, neither the grid to the background layer. (Tested version of pgfplots
is 2015/05/02 v1.12.1.)
From experiments I concluded, that the axis lines are put on the main
layer below the plots. Thus the following examples successfully moved the plots to the pre main
layer under the main
set layers,
axis line style={on layer=axis foreground},% not working
width=50mm, height=50mm,
xmin=0, xmax=1,
ymin=0, ymax=1,
axis line style={line width=2mm},
grid style={line width=1mm},
\addplot[line width=10mm, red] coordinates {(0, .5) (1, .5)};
\addplot[line width=10mm, red] coordinates {(.5, 0) (.5, 1)};
set layers,
every axis plot/.append style={on layer=pre main},
width=50mm, height=50mm,
xmin=0, xmax=1,
ymin=0, ymax=1,
axis line style={line width=2mm},
grid style={line width=1mm},
\addplot[line width=10mm, red] coordinates {(0, .5) (1, .5)};
\addplot[line width=10mm, red] coordinates {(.5, 0) (.5, 1)};
Update for pgfplots 2020/02/29 v1.17
The previous example does not work with later versions of pgfplots.
This is solved by defining a new layer configuration axis lines on top
that moves the axis lines
layer before main
layers/axis lines on top/.define layer set={
axis background,
axis grid,
axis ticks,
axis tick labels,
pre main,
axis lines,
axis descriptions,
axis foreground,
set layers=axis lines on top,
width=50mm, height=50mm,
xmin=0, xmax=1,
ymin=0, ymax=1,
axis line style={line width=2mm},
grid style={line width=1mm},
\addplot[line width=10mm, red] coordinates {(0, .5) (1, .5)};
\addplot[line width=10mm, red] coordinates {(.5, 0) (.5, 1)};
and ending with\end{document}
.,axis line style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis foreground},
. Or set a new layer. We need some code to start with.