I am using tikz-uml, but it seems there is not UML nesting relationship. I am not very good with tikz could you help me how I can implement it. You can see how it should look here at the end under title "Nestings".
For example, here is how aggregations is implemented
\tikzstyle{tikzuml aggregation style}=[color=\tikzumldrawcolor, open diamond-]%
\newcommand{\umlaggreg}[3][]{\umlrelation[style={tikzuml aggregation style}, #1]{#2}{#3}}%
and ends with\end{document}
. It does not have to compile (if you do not manage that) but at least save us from typing too much code and from guessing around. And please put more information to your post. What have you tried, where did you get stuck, what exactly would you like to get. Right now, it is just a snippet and two external links I am not willing to klick for safety reasons.