How can i write some of these symbols in Latex?

  1. Quadruple Bond or even 5 or 6 bonds as evident from Wikipedia articles: (Quadruple)(Quintuple)(Sextuple)
  2. Bent / Banana bonds (bonds having a curved kind of structure due to strain)

Please reply...Thanks!

  • 3
    Welcome to TeX-sx! It would be useful to know what support packages, if any, you are using. (I'd go with chemformula myself: multiple bonds are easy enough and I think banana ones are quite doable once I remember the correct TikZ code.)
    – Joseph Wright
    Commented Apr 29, 2015 at 6:14
  • related tex.stackexchange.com/a/260839
    – cgnieder
    Commented Aug 11, 2015 at 10:24

3 Answers 3


Depending on your needs this is rather straight-forward with the chemformula package and a little TikZ:


  \foreach \i in {-.15em,-.05em,.05em,.15em}{
      ([yshift=\i]chemformula-bond-start) -- ([yshift=\i]chemformula-bond-end) ;
  \foreach \i in {-.16em,-.08em,0em,.08em,.16em}{
      ([yshift=\i]chemformula-bond-start) -- ([yshift=\i]chemformula-bond-end) ;
  \foreach \i in {-.2em,-.12em,-.04em,.04em,.12em,.2em}{
      ([yshift=\i]chemformula-bond-start) -- ([yshift=\i]chemformula-bond-end) ;

      parabola[bend pos=.5] bend +(0,.5ex)
    (chemformula-bond-end) ;




enter image description here


Here is a way to draw n-bonds (n>1) with chemfig:

\tikzset{nbond/.style args={#1}{%
            mark=at position 0 with {\coordinate (CFstart@) at (0,0);},
            mark=at position 1 with {%
                \foreach\CF@i in{0,1,...,\number\numexpr#1-1}{%
                    \pgfmathsetmacro\CF@nbondcoeff{\[email protected]*(#1-1)}%
                    \draw ([yshift=\CF@nbondcoeff\CF@double@sep]CFstart@)--(0,\CF@nbondcoeff\CF@double@sep);



enter image description here


I don't now if quadruple bonds can be made with chemfig but the curved bonds are no problem.

With the tikz library "pathmorphing" and the following code


you get this:

enter image description here

Other shapes can be made with nodes. Try this code for example

\chemmove{\draw[-](a)..controls +(45:7mm) and +(225:7mm)..(b);}

to get the following:

enter image description here



225 is the angle and 7mm is the amplitude of the bond. Our bond enters B in an angle of 225° and the curve has it's minimum at y=-7mm.

Demo code:

    \chemmove{\draw[-](a)..controls +(45:7mm) and +(225:7mm)..(b);}

Please make sure to run the compilation twice to make the curved bonds appear!


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