I'm writing a beamer presentation that should be divided into several parts, each of them contains sections, subsections, etc.

This code (without \part commands) works fine and it generates TOC correctly:


\author{Author Of Presentation}




%\part{Part 1}

\section{Section 1}

Section 1

\subsection{Subsection 1.1}

Subsection 1.1

\subsection{Subsection 1.2}

Subsection 1.2

\section{Section 2}

Section 2

%\part{Part 2}

\section{Section 3}

Section 3

\subsection{Subsection 3.1}

Subsection 3.1

\subsection{Subsection 3.2}

Subsection 3.2

\section{Section 4}

Section 4


but when I uncomment the \parts commands and the \frame{\partpage} commands I get an empty TOC.

What should I change to visualize a correct TOC? I would like to achieve the following result in the TOC (no subsections and deeper level):

Part I

+++ Section 1

+++ Section 2

Part II

+++ Section 3

+++ Section 4

  • 2
    Either add your \tableofcontents slide to the current part, or use the [part=N] optional parameter to get the ToC for a given part. Beamer manual, section 10.5. To get your exact effect, you'll need multiple \tableofcontents commands on one slide. May 3, 2015 at 18:10
  • 1
    That makes the \tableofcontents command pretty useless in my opinion. Jan 29, 2018 at 11:06

1 Answer 1


For later reference, the \tableofcontents command in beamer only lists entries for the current part. The optional parameter [part=N] will list the entries for part N. This is documented in section 10.5 of the beamer manual.


\author{Author Of Presentation}

\newcommand{\makepart}[1]{ % For convenience
\part{Title of part #1} \frame{\partpage}
\section{Section} \begin{frame} Section \end{frame}
\subsection{Subsection} \begin{frame} Subsection \end{frame}
\subsection{Subsection} \begin{frame} Subsection \end{frame}
\section{Section} \begin{frame} Section \end{frame}



Part I:
Part II:




enter image description here

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