I came across this graph in the question Drawing graphs in LaTeX:
without arrows?
Is it possible to draw graphs like this one in LaTeX but without the arrows?
edit: I found this piece below, but I do not know how to replace the arrows with simple edges.
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=3cm,
thick,main node/.style={circle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}]
\node[main node] (1) {1};
\node[main node] (2) [below left of=1] {2};
\node[main node] (3) [below right of=2] {3};
\node[main node] (4) [below right of=1] {4};
\path[every node/.style={font=\sffamily\small}]
(1) edge node [left] {0.6} (4)
edge [bend right] node[left] {0.3} (2)
edge [loop above] node {0.1} (1)
(2) edge node [right] {0.4} (1)
edge node {0.3} (4)
edge [loop left] node {0.4} (2)
edge [bend right] node[left] {0.1} (3)
(3) edge node [right] {0.8} (2)
edge [bend right] node[right] {0.2} (4)
(4) edge node [left] {0.2} (3)
edge [loop right] node {0.6} (4)
edge [bend right] node[right] {0.2} (1);
). Please have a look at the TeX.SX guidelines on how to write a minimal working example.