Using the MWE below, I want the chapters declaration, preface and abstract to be given a roman number in the table of contents and the rest of the chapters arabic numbers, using the report class. The table of contents, however, seems to ignore the chapters I want to be roman numbered. It is possible if I use memoir rather than report, but than the subsections are not shown in the table of contents.

\chapter{Topics in Claims Reserving}
\section{section 1}
  • You are aware that \chapter* is the version of \chapter which does not have numbers and no entry to the ToC? No number, no Roman number output ;-)
    – user31729
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:39
  • You seem to want Roman page numbers up to the abstract; is this so? Or do you mean Roman numbers for the chapters like “Chapter I Declaration” and “Chapter II Preface”?
    – egreg
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:40
  • @egreg: No, I think the OP wants Roman chapter numbering: Chapter I, Chapter II ...
    – user31729
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:41
  • Note that in order to have subsections in the TOC with memoir, you just have to issue \settocdepth{subsection} in the preamble.
    – egreg
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:44
  • The missing entries for subsection can be obtained by saying \setcounter{tocnumdepth}{2} and \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}
    – user31729
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:44

1 Answer 1


You can use book and then it has \frontmatter for the very same purpose. (Same is possible with memoir, you can always change the tocdepth)

\chapter{Topics in Claims Reserving}
\section{section 1}

If you want report, you have to do this:

\chapter{Topics in Claims Reserving}
\section{section 1}

enter image description here

For all the odd things that may happen (and I don't understand properly)

\chapter{Topics in Claims Reserving}
\section{section 1}

enter image description here

  • Omitting the * is easy:-P. I still believe that the OP wants Roman Chapter numbers, not page numbers
    – user31729
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:42
  • @ChristianHupfer, without star they will be numbered. I guess that the OP doesn't want that.
    – Sigur
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:47
  • @Sigur: Yes, perhaps... it's unclear
    – user31729
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:49
  • @ChristianHupfer, his MWE contains stared version and so doesn't appear in TOC.
    – Sigur
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:51
  • @Sigur: I know that all, but the question is unclear. I think the OP is unaware about the * feature ;-)
    – user31729
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 14:57

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