I use the refman classes refart and refrep to write papers for my user group conference proceedings.

I also use the documentclass beamer to prepare my slides.

Recently I began single-sourcing my slides and handouts by using three files

  1. my-slides-main
  2. my-slides-ppt
  3. my-slides-handout

%% my-slides-handout.tex
this is doc-class article,
usepackage beamer.
%% input{my-slides-main}

%% my-slides-handout.tex
this is doc-class beamer
%% input{my-slides-main}

I want to use documentclass refart with package beamerarticle but get the following error

! LaTeX Error: Command \example already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

%% my-test-refart-beamer-article
this is doc-class refman.article: refart,
usepackage beamerarticle.

the error in the log is

LaTeX Error: Command \example already defined.


I have kludged a work-around by opening up the refart.cls and disabling the definition of


yes, I am aware that this is -not-


but that kludge works.

of course when I upgrade from TeXlive.2013 to TeXlive.2014 I 'lost' that fix.

so my question is:

Q: what is the politically correct way to resolve a duplication of commands or environments by class and packages.

%% i.e. what goes here 
%% to tell the package not to allocate, again \example?

note: I have searched the beamer *.sty files looking for \newcommand\example and have found nothing.

  • It's not a good idea to change class files ;-)
    – user31729
    May 11, 2015 at 21:17

2 Answers 2


You can load beamerarticle with the notheorems option, that disables the default definition of all the theorem-like environments.



This runs without errors.


Of course, you'll have to define yourself the theorem-like environments you need.

Why the refart class calls example an environment that does verse in typewriter font is beyond my comprehension.

Die example-Umgebung erzeugt eine verse-Umgebung, schaltet allerdings auf tt und versucht einen Seitenumbruch vor der Umgebung zu vermeiden.

  • "Why the refart class calls example an environment that does verse in typewriter font is beyond my comprehension." That's absurd... May 11, 2015 at 21:48
  • thank you. That is the politically correct answer I was looking for.
    – Ron Fehd
    May 13, 2015 at 12:32
  • thank you CH and egreg. That [notheorems] is the politically correct answer I was looking for. I have played with modifying the class files and saving with a new name and that is not something I want to commit to whenever I get a new TeXlive installation. I am interested to know how you traced the loading of the definition to the theorems and amsthm package.
    – Ron Fehd
    May 13, 2015 at 12:39

This runs without error.

this is doc-class refman.article: refart,
usepackage beamerarticle.

the error in the log is

LaTeX Error: Command \verb!\example! already defined.


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