I would like to draw a graph and some emoticons with it using tikz in latex as shown in the picture below.
N.B. I am doing a presentation in beamer and the meaning of the picture is that the triangle agent is happy when he/she chooses the corresponding circle product.
I found this question that can help me a little but not completely. How to draw a collection of small bipartite graphs in latex?
Here is my code and what I tired. I used these two codes 1 and 2:
\draw circle (2mm);
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (left eye) at (135:0.8mm) {};
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (right eye) at (45:0.8mm) {};
\draw (-145:0.9mm) arc (-120:-60:1.5mm);
\draw circle (2mm);
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (left eye) at (135:0.8mm) {};
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (right eye) at (45:0.8mm) {};
\draw (-145:0.9mm) arc (120:60:1.5mm);
\draw circle (2mm);
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (left eye) at (135:0.8mm) {};
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (right eye) at (45:0.8mm) {};
\draw (-135:0.9mm) -- (-45:0.9mm);
\tikzset{join/.code=\tikzset{after node path={%
edge[every join]#1(\tikzchaincurrent)\fi}}}
\tikzset{>=stealth',every on chain/.append style={join},
every join/.style={->}}
\tikzstyle{labeled}=[execute at begin node=$\scriptstyle,
execute at end node=$]
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes,row sep=3em, column sep=3em]
{ \smiley\; A1 & A2 \\
\smiley\; B1 & B2 \\
\neutranie\; C1 & C2 \\
{ [start chain] \chainin (m-1-1);
\chainin (m-1-2);
{ [start chain] \chainin (m-2-1);
\chainin (m-2-2);
And I get this picture: