I'm using the pagenote package with memoir, but pagenote doesn't quite get the chapter numbering scheme from memoir. Frontmatter and backmatter don't get chapter numbers in memoir, but they are printed in the pagenotes, leading to strange situations in the Notes section.
\pagenote[Mais alors sur quoi...]{Denn worauf gr\"{u}ndet...}
\chapter{The first}
\pagenote[Du moment o\`u nous ...]{Sobald wir uns...}
\pagenote[La science ne pense ...]{Die Wissenschaft denkt...}
Which yields:
Chapter 0 Introduction
[Mais alors sur quoi...] (page 1) Denn worauf gründet...
Chapter 1 The first
[Du moment où nous ...] (page 3) Sobald wir uns...
Chapter 1 Conclusion
[La science ne pense ...] (page 5) Die Wissenschaft denkt...
Where "Chapter 0" before "Introduction" and "Chapter 1" before "Conclusion" should be suppressed. Any ideas ?