I am new to Latex. I have to write thesis for my MS. For that I search latex templates and find one template at http://web.mit.edu/thesis/tex/ I edit the template accordingly but not able to change the institute name. Can anyone help me changing the name. Thanks in advance.
2 Answers
The MIT Thesis Template is meant for writing a thesis at MIT. It is not suited for other universities.
You can redefine the name of the institution using
\renewcommand{\mit}{School of Duck Science}.
Just an update related to this old post. A new MIT thesis template was released in 2023, and it is available in CTAN: https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis
This new latex template allows changing the institutional information shown on the cover page, including the name of school, copyright details, and "chairman" or acceptor information (see the documentation ).
\def\MIT{MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY} \def\Mit{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
explicitly the redefinition of\MIT
should be no issue at all. The question is rather, if this class can be applied to a document that should not be a MIT thesis at all (otherwise the name change would be not really useful)