I've been happily using the solution found by Paul Stanley to the question I asked last year : https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/172777/50288
However, there's one detail that bothers me, and I can't figure out how to fix it. The citepages
option from verbose-trad2 doesn't seem to have any effet when this case applies. I get :
"in: Holzwege. Op. cit., pp. 75–113, p. 90."
whatever option of citepages
I choose. The ideal solution would suppress the "pp. 75–113".
Working example (sorry, quite long) :
%% Biblatex %%
{\ifboolexpr {
test {\iffieldundef{crossref}}
or not ( test {\ifentrytype{inbook}}
or test {\ifentrytype{incollection}} ) }
keywords = {MH,D},
author = {Martin Heidegger},
title = {Holzwege},
publisher = {Vittorio Klostermann},
address = {Frankfurt a. M.},
year = 2003,
series = {Gesamtausgabe},
number = 5,
edition = {8},
addendum = {\autocap{p}remi\`{e}re publication: 1950},
related = {MH_Kunstwerk,MH_Weltbild},
relatedtype = {bookchapters},
relatedstring = {textes :}}
keywords = {MH,D},
author = {Martin Heidegger},
title = {Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes},
pages = {1--74},
crossref = {MH_Holzwege}
keywords = {MH,D},
author = {Martin Heidegger},
title = {Die Zeit des Weltbildes},
pages = {75--113},
crossref = {MH_Holzwege}
\author{A. Teur}
In the case of the first citation, the "pp. 1-74" is indeed suppressed.
How to get the citepages
influence back in the second case ?
\renewbibmacro*{chapter+pages}{% \printfield{chapter}% \iffieldundef{pages} {} {\nopunct \printtext[parens]{% \printfield{pages}% }}}
But the ideal would be to have verbose-trad2's citepages functionality here.